Researchers and scholars using GEM data may be interested in the following:
The Construction of Social Identity: The Case of Women Entrepreneurs
Edited by Patricia G. Greene and Candida G. Brush, Babson College
The intent of this book is to advance the discussion of women entrepreneurs and their businesses or organizations through a focus on their construction of social identity, particularly around issues relating to business and personal aspirations, the development and practice of entrepreneurial behaviors (mindset and skill set), and the impact of confidence levels, including consideration of entrepreneurial self-efficacy for start-up and growth. The desired approach is one of intentional provocation with an interest in challenging existing assumptions, asking harder questions, and providing a platform for debate for various theoretical perspectives. The format of this book will include chapters, followed by short commentaries and critiques that further extend research possibilities and provide new perspectives.
We welcome both conceptual and empirical papers as well as those using qualitative and/or quantitative methods and hope for a very global response to this call for papers.
Entrepreneurial Ecosystems and Growth of Women’s Entrepreneurship: A Comparative Analysis
Edited by:
- Tatiana Manolova- Bentley University
- Linda Edelman- Bentley University
- Candida Brush-Babson College
- Friederike Welter- IfM Bonn and University of Siegen
- Alicia Robb- U.C. Berkley
Chapter contributions are now invited from leading international scholars and experienced researchers in the field of women’s entrepreneurship for an exciting new book Entrepreneurial Ecosystems and Growth of Women’s Entrepreneurship: A Comparative Analysis, to be published by Edward Elgar Publishing Inc. in 2017.
The Diana International Project is committed to advancing knowledge about the status of women’s entrepreneurship around the world. This book is the eighth volume in the series associated with the Project and will build on the success of the first volume - Brush, C., Carter, N.M., Gatewood, E.J., Greene, P.G. and Hart, M. (eds.) (2006) Growth-oriented Women Entrepreneurs and their Businesses: A Global Research Perspective. This new volume will further consider the various national and international, social and contextual influences on women’s entrepreneurship by examining ecosystems, and how these affect and influence growth strategies and business potential.
Special Issue of Small Business Economics: “Women Entrepreneurs in Ecosystems”
Special Issue Editors:
- Linda Edelman- Bentley University
- Tatiana Manolova- Bentley University
- Candida Brush-Babson College
- Friederike Welter- IfM Bonn and University of Siegen
Entrepreneurship ecosystems involve a number of interconnected elements that interact and are mutually reinforcing, facilitating innovation and the growth of new ventures (Aulet, 2008, Fetters, Greene, Rice & Butler, 2010; Isenberg, 2011; Kantis& Federico, 2012; Brush, 2014). It is argued that entrepreneurship ecosystems include a conducive culture, which enables policies and leadership, the availability of financing, the acquisition and development of human capital, new markets for products and services, and a range of institutional and infrastructural supports (Isenberg, 2011, WEF, 2013;). All of the actors in entrepreneurship ecosystems are influenced by and in turn influence their particular entrepreneurship ecosystem.
This special issue of Small Business Economics seeks papers that broadly fit with the overarching theme of women entrepreneurs in ecosystems; specifically, papers that explore the impact of women’s entrepreneurship in ecosystems, as well as the influences of ecosystem factors on women entrepreneurs.